When I discuss SEO with our clients, I repeat this statement constantly...
follow Google and follow Facebook, don't worry about the rest.
I don't mean to hurt Yahoo's feelings or disrespect Bing, but I just don't concern myself with their performance. I focus on the leaders - that's Google and Facebook. By extension, that includes YouTube and Instagram, too. Mobile users click and swipe through apps expecting to click once and share their interests around the world. Not very many viewers are going to spend more than a few seconds looking for the 'Like' or 'Share' button when they're cruising through your site. That familiar Social link had better be front and center if you want to get
We can build and improve your social media accounts and help you manage them. You should never underestimate the power of your social links- your ranking in search results is heavily based on your social media presence.
But we want more for your website... let's link you!
We can set up an API (application program interface) that will gather your Facebook viewer's data when they visit your website. Combined with an Analytics component, you can have a report with demographics and details about your visitors. They don't have to spend the time filling out a contact form, they simply click on the permission request, agreeing to share their information and VIOLA!- in a few seconds, you have it.
Easy user interface for them and fantastic results for you.
Knowing your customer or client, is #1 for business success... and a custom API that links your social media with your website is a valuable tool that we can build for you.
Ask us about this and Evolve Online!