It's not complicated - Metadata, by definition, is simply data (or information) about data.
You see it and use it all the time without even being aware of it. When you type in a search term on Google, you're using metadata. When you're shopping for a camera on Amazon, looking for a YouTube video or comparing rates for car insurance, yep- that's using metadata, too.
Metadata lives behind the scenes in code form. It's in a language that 'bots' can read. This is how search engines, like Google, work. We can add all sorts of relevant information to your pages without bloating it with content. This keeps your pages clean, attractive and easy to navigate for your viewers while loading them all the information necessary for web services. Bots only see data streams- 1's and 0's - and they can see and sort enormous amounts of data super fast if it's well organized. Enhancing your site with metadata helps bots 'see' and sort links, feeds, images, videos, and podcasts, as well.
Metadata tells your browser how to display your page content on a PC, Mac or mobile and on different browsers. It specifies page and image descriptions, keywords, authors, who your site is linked to, what feeds are displayed and when information was last modified.
What is a 'tag'?
'Tagging' an image or a page simply means that we're adding metadata... lots of rich information that helps viewers find your site online. The more we 'tag' your site, the higher your site could rank on Google. This is an important metric that Google uses to push your site higher in search results.
Now, that you know what metadata and tags are, you should understand how important it is to have lots of it on your site.
Contact us and we can show you how we can improve your business online. Let's Evolve Online.