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10 Worst Password Mistakes
Your online security with strong passwordsHi there! We really care about your security online. But do you know how protected you are with your passwords? Read through the list below to see if you are making any of these common mistakes and follow the recommendations. You can make some easy corrections to keep yourself safe online.  

10 Worst Password Mistakes

Mistake #10: Not using a password manager –most browsers like Google and Safari have a secure keychain or password manager. Log in to your browser to use this important tool. It safely remembers your passwords so you don’t have to! Mistake #9: Sharing passwords – Avoid sharing your password, even for a streaming site like Netflix. If you MUST share your password for tech support, change that password immediately after the support session is over. Mistake #8: Not being aware of your surroundings – People and spying software are watching! Don’t type in your credit card or type in your passwords when you’re using an open network (like a coffee house, airport or hotel). If you can get a hotspot on your smartphone- this is a fantastic way to have your own secure network when you travel. Mistake #7: Not monitoring for strong passwords – check old passwords on long-term accounts like bill pays, online library access, video streaming and food delivery accounts. Then change them! Mistake #6: Using passwords that are not complex – make it random numbers and letters, like: o6Th49sXb$. Mistake #5: Using personal information in passwords – don’t use your child’s name, pet’s name, birthdays, favorite color, street name or house number, etc. (Also, don’t take social media quizzes that reveal personal information.) Mistake #4: Not removing old users or default credentials – Remove old friends’ access and default passwords like: 1234, 111111 or Password1. Change these immediately! Mistake #3: Using passwords that are too short – go for a 12-character password that you can remember. Like: Gr3atRabbitCo@t. Longer passwords are better than complex ones. (but both are great!) Mistake #2: Not using multi-factor authentication – you can require a security question to log in or an on-device prompt for your cell phone to get access. Mistake #1: Reusing a password- use a unique strong password for every account. Want to check your password safety? Try this password checker- You can also try these password checkers for strength: or